Kundalini Yoga + Meditation

April 03, 2022 2 min read

Looking to quiet the mind, ease the heart, and ground  your body? 

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. During this Session, we will move through an ancient and powerful practice, breathing techniques, meditation, and mantras. Designed to detox your body, balance your emotions, strengthen your nervous and glandular system, and shift your consciousness into a peaceful vibration. Open your intuition and self-awareness, recognizing the beauty in all you do and touch. You will walk away with an understanding of your multidimensional Self. This is a self-healing practice.

We work with the technology of your ten bodies, three minds, and eight eyes. It aligns your mind, body, and soul, creating a solid foundation in your system that allows you to withhold this world's demands and daily life. Granting you the experience of a heart-centered practice, you will comprehend what it is to be soul-centered. This is a self-healing practice. 

In pranayama, you control your breath. Pranayama is a set of ancient Yogic breathing techniques initially passed down through yogic generations. Pranayama slows down your breath and therefore slows down your thoughts. As the old saying, "Control the breath, control the mind." So in pranayama, you control your breathing to achieve a particular state of meditation.

Drop into stillness and nothingness. We will use mantras, mudras, and the breath, to listen. Meditation releases stress, improves concentration, enhances productivity, chronic pain reduction, better sleep, hormonal and emotional balance, increases immunity, improves metabolism...you name it. A sense of calmness will exist and surround you—a more profound inner knowing will arrive. You will experience peace. Ease your body, open your heart and calm your mind; we meditate because it is the only way to live in Human form!

Whether new to meditation or looking to deepen your existing practice, this is like water to your soul. Hydrate. M.

Emotional transformations during gong meditations and sound are a gift from the Universe. It is a way to come into alignment with higher consciousness, that's why you feel so good afterward. The gong impacts the body and its meridians. It releases blocks, reduces tension, and stimulates circulation. The result of this is a reorganization of the emotional energy and feelings that are tied to the body structure.
The gong changes blocked frequency by releasing the seeds that created illusionary feelings. As the person returns to a present state, they notice a significant difference.

>>> Join us here! Allow me to guide you through a beautiful afternoon to breathe and release. Blessings, m


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