Let's move you back into love. 

Only love is real. Fear lets us know that we have just unplugged from love. When we do so, our mind takes over and creates all sorts of stories, illusions, and false perceptions. It is not out of bad faith; it is trying to help — but there is an easier, far more greater way to shift your vibration. Love. In love, you will find the answers that will get you moving through what is causing you to feel fear in the first place. In love, you will understand the "why's," in love, you will move through your lessons only to arrive into peace within. Only love is real, and when you are not in it, you are moving throught the illusion of your mind's stories. So let's bath you in love and shift your vibration, for there is safety here, too, the kind of safety you are looking for.


There are only two worlds (in this world); love and fear. Let my guides clear you from the illusion of fear and restore you back into love, your connection with Source with this 7-min healing meditation. Recalibrate your entire self; come back to truth.


~ come to these healing practices as many times as you need ~

Thank you for being here with me, for reading, shifting, and searching within! For your accountability and your desire to not let anything or anyone take your power away. Now that we're in this together, remember you are in full command; that is the beauty of our soul work.  Blessings to you, 💗 M.



Become a Spiritual Laundry Member and drop into all of our healing classes, challenges, sessions, and so much more! We are an opportunity for your mind to rest and your heart to lead the way... because healing can be beautiful; plus, I made it super easy for you! So check our portal with the link below, join us and invite a friend, a neighbor, or a sister to this incredible healing journey... anyone you know in need and search for magic. Blessings to you, 💗 M.

P.S. Ask me any questions here or more on our epic FAQ! 
Here is to awakening your heart and searching within! M.

DAILY MAGIC ✨ Every feeling holds a message unique to you. They arrive and move through you so you can obtain your message. When you comprehend your messages, you allow this energy to dissolve and keep moving, for its mission has been completed. Your frequency shifts because that energy no longer resides within you — what you know as a feeling of relief, "ah," or freedom within. This is the magic of your daily feelings. Listen to them. Listen with love. M✨