Spinal Energetics

July 05, 2022 2 min read

Looking to liberate the body from anxiety, fear, reset and refresh? 

I woke up this morning searching for hope. In a world where I know no matter what, the light will win, I still needed to make sure I chose LOVE TODAY! And stay here, in this vibration no matter what. So if I see the news; I will send light, and if I hear others speak with fear; I will transmute their words with light, and if I find myself in a mental loop; I will wrap myself in light. Because when I choose any other vibration, I am feeding the bad guys energy; I am making them stronger. And I do not want to do that. Because I know how powerful my energy is, and no one, on one but the light gets my power! So I've created these healing sessions for you.

Restoring the Body to keep you at your clearest vibration possible and set you in a vibration for peace and trust. To remind you of your light ~ and teach you how to transmute fear. So anxiety and fear do not get the best of our power. These will be a mix of gentle breath work, guided visualization, mantra, and meditation. Very relaxing but empowering.

If you are called and have a friend or two that is struggling with fear, worry, and anxiety, share how important it is she stays in her light, share this with her. Because there is a way. There is a way to find peace, in the midst of chaos. Let's share these tools with all.

This is the restorative practice of releasing. Allowing your whole system (mind, body, and soul) to unwind and find stillness from within. Giving your mind peace through communicating with the body, and the heart softness by understanding grace.

We will close class with gently sound healing and I will leave you resting at the end of the class. This class is like a deep tissue massage for your heart and spirit.

Yes, these are like the 4 Healing Gathering classes we had in March.

>>>  Join us here! See you in our Session! 
Blessings, m