Your body and its cellular structures are remembering, awakening, smiling. It takes the matter, the body a minute to adjust. Breathe and allow the body time and space to meet your new frequency.

If you feel emotions, any, all are valid, they are old. Soul parts of you looking to evolve. Feel them, write them, nourish them, they are not you, but they did help you arrive to where you are at today. Honor them.

Your energy is open, soft, and elevated. Take it easy for the remainder of the day. If possible, relax and unwind. Spend time in nature if available. Consider walking barefoot to ground yourself. Enjoy a hot shower and indulge in nourishing food.

Avoid watching intense movies or TV shows and steer clear of individuals or situations that trigger your nervous system. Stay away from crowded places, alcohol, and recreational drugs.

Continue following your Guidebook. Move into day 3! Enjoy the ride.